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“We are all better than we know. If only we can be brought to realise this, we may never again settle for anything less”

Kurt Hahn  (founder of Outward Bound)

Dr Simon Crisp’s Neo Psychology

Through innovative client-centred services Neo Psychology assists individuals, families and groups, and the organisations and professionals who support them, to live and grow more in keeping with their values and priorities, to better understand personal resources and to respond more effectively to life’s opportunities.

Since 2000 Dr Simon Crisp and his team have a long record of leadership in the mental health & wellbeing field:  Provision of numerous client programs in organisations and leading independent schools, residential colleges of the University of Melbourne, counselling service audits, university-based post-doctoral research and post-graduate lecturing, professional training and accreditation, management consultation and the development and provision of innovative and practically helpful interventions such at Wilderness Adventure Therapy® and Psych First Response®.

No froth, all substance  …and much more than just an exceptional private practice.

We have extensive experience in working with all types of people and issues, providing a diverse range of innovative consulting, training and research  services to all ages and types of groups.  In particular, because the period of adolescence and early adulthood is so important in shaping who we are and preparing us for psychological health, we have substantial clinical and program expertise in helping young people.  Our consultants have advanced post-graduate degrees and professional training in working with children, young people and families, and in addition, have been carefully selected for personal qualities that make them able  to relate to any age person, but particularly, young people and parents.

With a strong focus on collaboration, we base innovative and conventional services within a positive psychology framework, and support an optimistic outlook by focussing on personal strengths as well as addressing any problems or difficulties.  Neo’s multi-disciplinary team of doctoral and masters level trained, dedicated and caring professionals offers a wide range of approaches for people of all ages, with services that are relevant, engaging and genuinely helpful.


a prefix meaning “new”  [from the Greek neos]
1.a. denoting a new or modern form of some doctrine, practice, etc.

New ideas, new methods, new skills, new feelings, new relationships, a new beginning:  Neo… a fresh approach.

Neo was established by Dr Simon Crisp following a decade of awarded clinical practice and leadership in public mental health. Now with 3 decades of experience as a clinical psychologist facilitating people’s psychological development and wellbeing, Dr Crisp continues his vision to provide the best the profession of Psychology can offer:  contemporary, client-centred services based on a valid scientific foundation.

Dr Crisp has an international reputation for his work in adventure psychology that emphasises exploration, risk-taking and positive growth in everyday life. Neo offers a wide range of expert services to people of all ages that are relevant, engaging and practically helpful.  This vision, shared by Neo Psychology staff, includes genuine collaboration with clients and professionals as a central pillar in all strategies we adopt.

Dr Simon Crisp

Dr Simon Crisp established Neo Psychology as a psychology practice aiming to offer the best the profession of clinical psychology can offer in direct client services, consultation to organisations and schools, as well as running tailored or pioneering and evidence-based programs developed by Simon such as Wilderness Adventure Therapy®. With an extensive background in clinical team leadership, Simon knows the benefits of team-based services and now oversees a team of highly trained, endorsed Clinical Psychologists. He has been pioneering with, and awarded for his development of many different client programs, including his enthusiastically sought professional training and staff development in Psych First Response® courses and other tailored workshops. Simon is often sought for expert opinion by the media and passionately promotes ethical and high standards of practice by providing clinical supervision to many experienced psychologists. He has been a Performance Assessor for, and now sits on the Psychology Board of Australia (Australian Health Practitioner Regulatory Authority – AHPRA), is currently a member of the specialist Ethics Committee of the Australian Psychological Society (APS), as well as contributing to other professional and private practice committees and working groups of the Australian Psychological Society in the past. He has consulted to the senior partners of Deloitte, Colleges of the University of Melbourne and most leading independent schools’ leadership teams, heads of wellbeing and pastoral care. Simon also supervises and mentors a large number of leading independent school psychologists and counsellors.

    Bowen, D., Neill, J.T. and Crisp, S.J.R. (2016). Wilderness Adventure Therapy Effects on the Mental Health of Youth Participants. Evaluation and Program Planning. Vol. 58, 49-59.

    S.J.R. (2013). Psychological First Response. Outdoor Outlook, Vol 9, Issue 1, Dec 2014.

    Crisp, S.J.R. (2006). Taking a risk for adolescents: Wilderness adventure therapy. InPsych:Bulletin of the Australian Psychological Society, 28(4), 22-23.

    Crisp, S.J.R. (2003). Publishing spurious research findings won’t build a profession: Response to Brand’s (2001) evaluation of the Wilderness Enhanced Program. Australian Journal of Outdoor Education, Vol 7(2), 52-57.

    Crisp, S.J.R. (1998) The bigger picture: Therapeutic adventure therapy around the world: A Churchill Fellowship instigation into wilderness and adventure therapy and related programs. Victorian Alcohol & Drug Association Newsletter, 62, 9-10.

    Crisp, S.J.R. (1997) Book Review: Wilderness Therapy for Women: The Power of Adventure, E. Cole, E. Erdman, & E.D. Rothblum (Eds), Australian Psychologist, 32,(3), 216-217.

    Crisp, S.J.R. (1997) Therapeutic adventure around the world: A Churchill Fellowshipinvestigation into wilderness and adventure therapy and related mental health programs, Journeys, 2 (3), 9-11.

    Crisp, S.J.R. (1996). What Makes Wilderness Adventure Therapeutic? The Need for Broader Frameworks. The Australian Journal of Outdoor Education, 2, (1), 9-18.

    Crisp, S.J.R. & Aunger, N. (1998). Wilderness Adventure Therapy in adolescent psychiatry: Case study of a 15 year old girl with social and psychological problems, The Australian Journal of Outdoor Education, 2 (3), 17-25.

    Crisp, S.J.R. & O’Donnell, M. (1998). Wilderness Adventure Therapy in developmental psychiatry, The Australian Journal of Outdoor Education. Vol 3, (1), 47-57.

    Crisp, S.J.R. (2004). Envisioning the birth of a profession: A blue-print of evidence based, ethical, best practice, In S. Bandoroff & S. Newes (2004). Coming of Age: The Evolving Field of Adventure Therapy. Association for Experiential Education: Boulder, CO.

    Crisp, S.J.R., O’Donnell, M.J., Kingston, L., Poot, A. & Thomas, N. (2000). Innovative Multi-modal Day-patient Treatment for Severely Disordered At Risk Adolescents. In N.N. Singh, J.P. Leung, & A.N. Singh (Eds) International Perspectives on Child & Adolescent Mental Health, 2000, Elsevier Publications.

    Crisp, S.J.R. (1998). International models of best practice in wilderness and adventure therapy, In C.M. Itin, Exploring the Boundaries of Adventure Therapy: International Perspectives, Boulder, CO: Association for Experiential Education.

    Crisp, S.J.R. & O’Donnell, M. (1998). Wilderness Adventure Therapy in Developmental psychiatry – the Brief Intervention Program, In C.M. Itin, Exploring the Boundaries of Adventure Therapy: International Perspectives, Boulder, CO: Association for Experiential Education.

    Crisp, S.J.R. (1996). International Models of Best Practice in Wilderness & Adventure Therapy: Implications for Australia, 1996 Churchill Fellowship Report, Australian Winston Churchill Memorial Trust, Braddon, Australian Capital Territory:

    Crisp, S.J.R. & Noblet, M.L. (2004). Guidelines for the Practice of Wilderness Adventure Therapy. Neo Psychology, Melbourne.

    Crisp, S.J.R. & Hinch, C. (2004). Treatment Effectiveness of Wilderness Adventure Therapy: A Comprehensive Evaluation, Neo Psychology, Melbourne.

    Noblet, M.L. & Crisp, S.J.R. (2004). Integrating Wilderness Adventure Programs into your School or Agency. Neo Psychology, Melbourne.

    Crisp, S.J.R., Noblet, M.L. & Hinch, C. (2003). Wilderness Adventure Therapy: The Systemic Wilderness Adventure Therapy Research And Development (SWATRAD) project, The Ian Potter Foundation, Melbourne.

    Crisp, S.J.R. (2003). An Evaluation of the Typo Station Program for Youth at Risk, Ian Potter Foundation, Melbourne. – download report –

    Crisp, S.J.R. (2003). Treatment Effects of a Group Based Coping Skills Intervention for High-risk Day-patient Adolescents with and without a History of Suicidal Behaviour. Unpublished Doctoral thesis, La Trobe University, Melbourne.

    Crisp, S.J.R. (2002). Barwon Health Adolescent Mental Health Service, GO WEST Evaluation Report, Barwon Health, Geelong, Victoria.

    Crisp, S.J.R. (2001). An Interim Evaluation of the Brandon Park Student Development Center, Department of Education & Training, Neo Psychology, Melbourne.

    Crisp, S.J.R. (2001) The Adventure Challenge Experience – ACE program Evaluation Report, Rotary Club of North Balwyn, Victoria.

    Crisp, S.J.R. (2001). Balwyn High School, CHOICES Anger management program: Evaluation Report, Neo Psychology, Melbourne.

    Crisp, S.J.R. (2001). Balwyn High School, CHOICES Anger management program: Manual, Neo Psychology, Melbourne.

    Crisp, S.J.R. (1992). Teacher Detection of Depression in Secondary School Students. Unpublished Masters thesis, Monash University, Melbourne.

    Neo Psychology & Dr Simon Crisp

    Counselling, Therapy & Assessment

    Appointments and Referrals

    NeoBirthing / HypnoBirthing


              Be adventurous, 

              and discover the new you.

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      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras et rutrum libero, nec dignissim nisl. Nullam a ante eget elit sollicitudin pulvinar sed ac nisl. Maecenas at arcu eget mauris porttitor cursus et sit amet ipsum. Nulla ac leo facilisis, semper elit vitae, dignissim enim. Phasellus volutpat tellus purus, quis fermentum diam porta nec. Sed a ornare velit, in ullamcorper urna. Integer ac sapien mattis, consequat augue nec, suscipit tortor. In sit amet nisl in diam rhoncus ultricies non et risus.

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras et rutrum libero, nec dignissim nisl. Nullam a ante eget elit sollicitudin pulvinar sed ac nisl. Maecenas at arcu eget mauris porttitor cursus et sit amet ipsum. Nulla ac leo facilisis, semper elit vitae, dignissim enim. Phasellus volutpat tellus purus, quis fermentum diam porta nec. Sed a ornare velit, in ullamcorper urna. Integer ac sapien mattis, consequat augue nec, suscipit tortor. In sit amet nisl in diam rhoncus ultricies non et risus.

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras et rutrum libero, nec dignissim nisl.

      Neo Psychology & Dr Simon Crisp

      Counselling, Therapy & Assessment

      Appointments and Referrals

      NeoBirthing / HypnoBirthing
